mysql failed to restart pleskmysql failed to restart plesk

To install mysql on windows, perform the following steps.

Download MySQL Installer from Once the download completes run the installer.

Choose one of the following type for installation.

  • Developer Default: In this setup you can select the version of MySQL Server and other MySQL tools related to MySQL development, such as MySQL Workbench.
  • Server Only: Provides a setup for the selected version of MySQL Server without other products.
  • Custom: Enables you to select any version of MySQL Server and other MySQL products.

Select the option which you want to install and click on install. It will start installing the components on the server.

In server section choose advanced option. It will allow you to manually add the root password and then you can use the same password while connecting to MYsql server.

Make sure you open port 3306 in firewall too.