Plesk repair utility for mysqlPlesk repair utility for mysql

Synchronizing subscriptions via a command-line interface

Synchronizing all content

If the first migration was done using migration tools then edit following file.


Assuming server 1 (source )has IP and server 2 (target)has

Add server details in that file, for both source and target

target-type = “plesk”
session-dir = “<session_dir_name>”
skip-log-priority-check = “1”
skip-migrator-updates = “1”
skip-set-session-directory-permissions = “1”
use-separate-log = “1”
source-type = “plesk”
sources = “source”
skip-rpc-agent-deployment = “false”
adjust-applications = “true”

ip = “”
os = “windows”
windows-username = “Administrator”
windows-password = “*******”
windows-password-type = “plain”

ip = “”
os = “windows”
windows-username = “Administrator”
windows-password = “*******”
windows-password-type = “plain”
session-dir = “C:\panel_migrator”
copy-mail-content = “full”
copy-web-content = “full”
copy-db-content = “full”

data-import-type = “selected”
timing-policy = “false”
resync-content = “true”
operability-check = “true”

IMP: make sure you set “windows-password-type = “plain” “

To sync all data which includes subscriptions, mails, databases use the following commands:

Open CMD and run command one by one
c:\>cd %plesk_dir%\var\modules\panel-migrator\sessions\<session_dir_name>

c:\> “%plesk_dir%admin/plib/modules/panel-migrator/backend/plesk-migrator.bat” generate-migration-list

c:\> “%plesk_dir%\admin\plib\modules\panel-migrator\backend\plesk-migrator.bat” copy-content