Steps to convert a virtual directory to a website:
1. Open IIS.
2. Right-click Default Web Site (or name of the website newsite is running under) and select Manage Website > Advanced Settings.

3. Click the Application Pool value and then the … button to select the application pool running New site
4. Click the Physical Path value and then … button to select the directory where the New site application files are located.
5. Click OK.

6. Right-click Default Web Site and select Rename to give it a new name (optional). You may receive an error message saying that ‘Default Web Site’ does not exist. Click OK and then right-click Sites and select Refresh.
7. Expand the website and find the virtual directory for Secret Server.
8. Right-click the virtual directory and select Remove. Click Yes to confirm the operation.
9. Restart IIS (iisreset).
Your users can now access the website by browsing to the server hostname rather than hostname/newsite.
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