1. Delete an S3 bucket and all its contents with just one command
Sometimes you may end up with a bucket full of hundreds or thousands of files that you no longer need. If you have ever had to delete a substantial number of items in S3, you know that this can be a little time consuming. The following command will delete a bucket and all of its content including directories:
aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name –force
2. Recursively copy a directory and its subfolders from your PC to Amazon S3
If you have used the S3 Console, at some stage, you’ve probably found yourself having to copy a ton of files to a bucket from your PC. It can be a little clunky at times, especially if you have multiple directory levels that need to be copied. The following AWS CLI command will make the process a little easier, as it will copy a directory and all of its sub folders from your PC to Amazon S3 to a specified region.
aws s3 cp MyFolder s3://bucket-name/Foldername — recursive
aws s3 sync “My Folder” s3://bukcet-name/“My Folder”
3. Display subsets of all available ec2 images
The following will display all available ec2 images, filtered to include only those built on Ubuntu (assuming, of course, that you’re working from a terminal on a Linux or Mac machine).
aws ec2 describe-images | grep ubuntu
Warning: this may take a few minutes.
4. List users in a different format
Sometimes, depending on the output format you chose as default, when you invoke long lists – like a large set of users – the display format can be a little hard to read. Including the –output parameter with, say, the table argument, will display a nice, easy-to-read table this one time without having to change your default.
aws iam list-users –output table
5. List the sizes of an S3 bucket and its contents
The following command uses JSON output to list the size of a bucket and the items stored within. This might come in handy when auditing what is taking up all your S3 storage.
aws s3api list-objects –bucket BUCKETNAME –output json –query “[sum(Contents[].Size), length(Contents[])]”
6. Move S3 bucket to different location
If you need to quickly move an S3 bucket to a different location, then this command just might save you a ton of time.
aws s3 sync s3://oldbucket s3://newbucket –source-region us-west-1 –region us-west-2