Delete temporary files that are older than 14 days:# find /tmp -type f -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \; # find /var/tmp -type f -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \;as well as Plesk temporary files:# rm -rf /usr/local/psa/PMM/tmp/* /usr/local/psa/tmp/*
Check the size and clean package cache (cache of previously downloaded packages) with the following command for Ubuntu:# du -sh /var/cache/apt/ # sudo apt-get cleanand for Centos:# yum clean all
Next, if disk space is still shows 100% you may want to remove the oldest Plesk backup file. First get the list of backup files by copy/pasting below command:# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pmm-ras –get-dump-list –type=server | grep ‘message’ | grep -v [0-9]_[0-9] <message>backup_info_00000.xml: </message> <message>backup_info_00000.xml: </message>If you have just one backup, it is better not to remove it. If you have several then the first one in the output is the oldest one. Remove it using its name:# /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/pmm-ras –verbose –debug –delete-dump –dump-specification=backup_info_00000.xml –session-path=/var/log/plesk/PMM