How to configure Idera backup agent
Installing Agent Using YUM
First, create a YUM .repo file with the R1Soft repository information.
Open the new file with a text editor such as vi or nano:
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
vi r1soft.repo
Insert the following text into the file and save the file:
name=R1Soft Repository Server
Once done run below command.
yum clean all
Now install cdp agent
yum install r1soft-cdp-enterprise-agent
yum install kernel-devel kernel-headers
yum upgrade kernel
install r1soft kernel binaries
r1soft-setup –no-binary
Restart r1soft agent after binaries are done.
Check connectivity
r1soft-setup –test-connection
Insert key using below command
serverbackup-setup –get-key http://IP
Restart the server. Once server is online check cdp-agent is running or not. If not then start that service.
Sometimes you will face connectivity issue at that check port is opened on server firewall. Default port is 1167
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp –dport 1167 -j ACCEPT
Save iptables and restart it and test it again.
Front end task done. Now backend task
Login to backend admin panel of r1soft
Click on servers.
Add server It will ask for server name VM hostname, IP address things insert it and click on create button.
Then click on Users.
username: customer-name >> password >> email
then click on server tab add the new server you created for the customer. Give full control. No volumes.
Then click on disks safes.
name same as servers name : on server drop down arrow search for the servers you added earlier, volume pick volume1. click on Limits. Put recovery points and archive to 3.
Quota on disk size : soft 48 hard quota 50. Click on create.
Policy make the policy to backup weekly, merge weekly, disk verification weekly, exclude files you don’t want to backup to avoid using all disk space.
then when finish give client his R1SOFT credentials.