How to customize apache config and not have custombuild revert it in DirectAdminHow to customize apache config and not have custombuild revert it in DirectAdmin

CustomBuild 2.0
With CB2.0, you can update your SpamBlocker 4.x exim.conf more easily with:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set exim yes
./build set eximconf yes
./build set eximconf_release 4.5
./build set spamassassin yes
./build update
./build exim
./build exim_conf

Custom exim.conf override
With CustomBulid 2.0 revision 1995+, you’ll be able to add a custom exim.conf to this location to have any custom changes saved, and copied over to the /etc/exim.conf:


The call to ./build exim_conf will use this exim.conf, instead of downloading a fresh one.  It’s recommended you make a diff patch of your exim.conf changes, so that you can later update your exim.conf to a more current version, and re-patch your changes to it.