
Creating a manual database backup

  • Plesk Onyx

plesk db dump <database_name> > C:/path/to/<dump_name>.sql

Plesk 12.5 and previous releases

Note: MySQL admin password is required for this operation.

“%plesk_dir%”\Mysql\bin\mysqldump.exe -uadmin -p -P8306 <database_name> > C:/path/to/<dump_name>.sql

The following command for Plesk Onyx creates a database dump of the Plesk ‘psa’ database on C:\ drive:

  • plesk db dump psa > C:\psa_dump.sql

Restoring a database from a manual database backup

  • Plesk Onyx

plesk db < C:/path/to/<dump_name>.sql

Plesk 12.5 and previous releases

Note: MySQL admin password is required for this operation.

“%plesk_dir%\Mysql\bin\mysql.exe” -uadmin -p -P8306 psa < C:\<dump_name>.sql

The following command for Plesk Onyx restores the Plesk ‘psa’ database from the database dump psa_dump.sql located on C:\ drive: plesk db < C:\psa_dump.sql