what is cpanelwhat is cpanel

To prevent spamming in a cPanel server, you can use the following bash script:


# Check for the presence of the cPanel utility
if ! [ -x "$(command -v cpx)" ]; then
  echo "Error: cpx is not installed." >&2
  exit 1

# Set the maximum number of emails allowed per hour

# Get the list of email accounts on the server
ACCOUNTS=$(cpx --list-accounts)

# Loop through each email account
  # Get the current email usage for the account
  USAGE=$(cpx --account=$ACCOUNT --get-usage)

  # Check if the email usage is above the maximum allowed
  if [ "$USAGE" -gt "$MAX_EMAILS_PER_HOUR" ]; then
    # Suspend the email account
    cpx --account=$ACCOUNT --suspend
    echo "Suspended email account: $ACCOUNT"

This script checks for the presence of the cpx utility, which is used to manage cPanel accounts. It then sets a maximum number of emails allowed per hour and retrieves a list of email accounts on the server. For each email account, it checks if the email usage is above the maximum allowed. If it is, the script suspends the email account using the cpx utility.

Note that this script is just an example and may need to be modified to fit your specific needs. For example, you may want to adjust the maximum number of emails allowed per hour or add additional checks to prevent spamming. Additionally, you will need to set up a cron job to run this script regularly in order to continuously monitor and prevent spamming.

By admin